Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. I am super tired today. I think with Mark being gone all week/weekend I haven't caught much of a break, and then SURPRISE, it's Monday again! Maybe i can go to bed earlier tonight. :)

2. Tyler seems to be doing a little better on the Zantac. She has only had two doses of it, so I am sure it hasn't miraculously worked overnight! Hopefully it just gets better as the week progresses.

3. I had my The Poppy Seed party on Saturday. We did really well despite the yucky damp misty weather.

4. I booked Taryn's Birthday Party yesterday. It's going to be at Palace Pointe. I was shooting for Oct. 24 around lunchtime so we could get home and make it to one of my 10yr High school reunions without having to clean the house before and after......plus If my parents stay, then they can babysit for us! :) Some other company has booked the space for the whole day Saturday, so we are doing it on Sunday the 25th.

5. we are getting closer and closer to camping this year! :) I am super excited! We didn't go last year because of the burn ban........if you can't have a campfire, what's the point of camping!? This will be Taryn's first year, too! Tyler will be chillin in Pittsboro with my parents for the weekend.......her first trip away from Mommy, and our first night apart. :(

6. I love this beautiful fall weather! I think I could manage if it was always 60/70.....although I would miss what little snow we get, and the sweltering days at the pool.

7. I wish I could get out a little more and enjoy the weather. by the time I pick up both kiddies I need to start dinner, and baths, and book time. I try to make it out to some of Mark's softball games, but I feel like I am running around crazy! First to pick up Taryn by 6, then east to Granny's to get Tyler then back west past school to the ballgame. I was planning on picking up Tyler first today, but we had a few issues with her car seat/stroller. she spit up all over the car seat, so it's in the wash. We tried going to the ballgame last night, but the torrential downpour came when we were about a mile from the park. The stroller that was in the back of the truck was drenched and remains in our garage to dry out. I fear I won't get all my stuff, scoop up Tyler and pickup Taryn before 6.

8. Work seems to be picking up. :) I have been pretty busy all summer before and after Tyler was born, but some others haven't been so lucky. Thankfully we are getting some more work in, and he are all pretty busy. Now, if we can just keep this going through Dec/Jan/Feb, which is our slow time, we will be ecstatic!

9. As mentioned above, I have my 10 yr reunion coming up! :) I am so grateful that I have been included in it......I didn't graduate from there. I moved to Edenton right after my sophomore year, but I spent more time with those in Oxford........still, I don't have those lifelong friends from early childhood, but I remember some good times in Oxford! :) I look forward to seeing everyone again, although it will be like pulling teeth to get Mark to go!

10. I know it's early, but I have already started Christmas shopping!!!!! That's what happens when I host The Poppy Seed party! It's really easy to shop in my own living room. My nieces are DONE! I got a few other people done as well, but they read this blog! :) It's going to be a tight year, but I imagine it will be for everyone.......now I just need to back up a few Holidays and decorate for fall/Halloween!

Monday, September 28, 2009

2 Month Check-up

Tyler had her 2 month check-up today. For the past several weeks we have been dealing with a bit of reflux. We had switched her over to soy for the reflux problem, but that caused some constipation. My poor baby! If it wasn't one problem, it was the other. So today we went in and I told the doctor about both issues....it just hurt me to see my angel in such pain! So tonight we will start her on zantac, and will be switching back to the old formula for the IN. She also recommended we put a little Karo syrup or milk of magnesia in one bottle a day to help with the OUT. :) Hopefully she will have some relief VERY soon! She weighed in today at 10lb-4oz and 22 inches long. she is just below the 50th percentile, but she started off around the 25th, so we are making progress! She has been smiling at us for a week or two now, and just loves to coo.....that is when she is not screaming from reflux, screaming from constipation, eating, or sleeping......so about a total of 45min throughout the day. :) We love it, and I just love to snuggle with both my girls at night! Her are some random pictures from the past few weeks.
Tyler and Daddy chit-chatting and laughing at each other.

My little dancer girl

Taryn and Carsyn at dance

Roller Skating for a birthday party

Taryn and Nat-Nat chillin on the floor

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Mark leaves for Orlando tonight. He is playing in the World softball tournament. Yay, go JMS!

2. The girls and I will be rather busy this week. Taryn had t-ball last night. Tonight and tomorrow night will be spent preparing for my Poppy Seed Party on Saturday. Thursday is dance night followed by her last t-ball game.....and more prep for Saturday.

3. This year I am glad I procrastinated on the Labor Day project. As stated a couple of posts ago, I pick a painting project to do over the long weekend. This year I had picked the girls' bathroom......now I am glad I didn't do it. We have talked for years about putting in a bathroom up stairs. When we were building we asked to have it roughed in. It wasn't and we were so ready to move in we let it go. Now in order for them to do it, they have to go through sheet rock. The main wall they need is the one b/w Taryn's room and her bathroom. THEY WILL NOT BE CUTTING THE SHEETROCK IN HER ROOM!!!!!!!! There is no way for me to repaint to match that. So I will put off that bathroom project until plumbing construction/patching is done! :)

4. Now on to the upstairs bathroom project. Mark and I have different views......he wants the whole attic to be converted. I don't. 1. I don't think we need a guest bathroom to be that large. 2. I don't want to give up the only full-height storage that i have!

5. Today is the first day of fall. :) Yippee! I feel a picnic coming on.....well, if only the rain would subside.

6. We worked on the garage this past weekend. a few years ago we painted the floor with "special" paint. it wasn't supposed to peel, made especially for that application. Guess what. It peeled. :( So we knew we got what we paid for. this time we went all out.....i wasn't thrilled because, of course, he chose the one that I didn't have a coupon for.....just because he could get the blue paint instead of grey......errrrr. and I had a 20% off coupon, and that stuff was just as good!

7. So our little "weekend project" spilled into Monday. Last night I was applying clear-coat sealant while he installed new casters on his work bench that we have only moved about 6 times before realizing those would be a good investment! Yay, us! We got all the big stuff in this morning. The rest will make in when I am good and ready to drag it from the shed because he will be gone til Sunday, and I think I have enough to do.

8. oh! Tyler is now 2 months old. She has found her voice and talks to us occasionally. She smiles too. It's the cutest thing!

9. I am trying to melt away the baby fat..... I walk during lunch (weather permitting), I try to get in some walking/running when we are at the park for ballgames, and I have reduced my calorie intake. I think I am doing okay, for the most part. I still have 13lb to go to get back to pre-prego weight. I don't really see 13lbs, but that's what the scale is telling me. I wonder if Mark has rigged the scale?

10. Maybe, just maybe I can get around to reorganizing my closet this weekend. I have only been trying to do that for the past four weekends. I pull out maternity clothes, which are "organized" into piles in the bedroom, and I have been bringing down totes and bags full of my regular clothes. Those are also "organized" in the bedroom. it's starting to drive me crazy looking at the mess....especially with people coming over this weekend, most of which have not been there and will most likely ask for a tour. I can't hide the bedroom, although, I can close the closet door! I think I see an episode of "Tom and Jerry" coming to mind......if I open the door I will be buried by a mound of stuff.